Monday, July 23, 2012

Some deep stuff ....& oh yeah, I ran 4 miles!

Tough Stuff
So this has been a tough week. For the first time since we've moved back, I've felt an overwhelming challenge and conviction by the gospel. Earlier this week my husband responded to a question I had by asking, "is Christ alone sufficient?" Whoa! That's tough stuff. Sadly my comfort and strength does not come from Christ alone, it comes from worldly, material things most of the time.

I find comfort in money, fitness, being a wife and a mother, providing delicious and healthy meals to my family (this comment is based on my own taste buds, not those in my family), my sweet little girl, my husband, etc. But if all of those things were stripped away, what would I be left with? And is it fair to all of those things and people that I put my comfort in them?

Nothing! And No! Those are the answers.
"Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:25-26
God wants to be my comforter, my strength, my hope, and my romancer. Sadly it takes realizing that the world will always fail to be those things for me to realize that they can only come from following Christ. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with a husband who challenges me with the word of God every day.

Okay, now that I got that off my chest....

My long run of the week was only 4 miles, but I did it, shaving 20 sec/mile off my pace. Still not at 9 minutes, but I'll get there. Here are the stats:
Long Run - Week 1
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37.44
Avg. Pace: 9:26
Max: 8:08
Here is my tip to finishing the week strong: Write your weekly training program with a dry erase marker on a mirror that you look at throughout the day. It totally worked for me last week, and I LOVE checking off that I completed a run (it's my Type A personality I guess).

And since its been a few days since I've posted, I also completed my first run of week 2. Here are the details from that run:

Yes, we shaved another 17 sec/mile off of our pace.  I'm almost back to my 9 minute pace.  And this was with only 4.5 hours of sleep (that darn Bachelorette!).  Sami is seriously the best person ever to run with, she motivates and pushes me.  And she sends me super encouraging messages like you see above.  

Super excited to report back about the challenging things Sami has in store for us this week. Oh, and since our significant others are playing volleyball together this week, there might even be a post about that instead of running, wouldn't that be exciting. : )

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