Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I did it .... I ran all 3 miles!

So first an update from Day 1 of training. It killed me, but I did get on that darn treadmill. My knees and shins did not love the experience so much, so after 1/2 a mile, I had switch from running to a very fast almost run walk.

Here is the ugly proof that I did complete the 30 minutes of training for day 1, but only at a fast walking pace. Basically, I refuse to ever get back on that treadmill, period!

Yesterday was a cross training day (30-40 minutes). Ideally, I would have used the spinning bike, but my mom asked if I was up for a walk on the flood wall. She hasn't seen little A for a few weeks, so we met up and walked a little over 3 miles. I kind of felt like I cheated a little, but hey, I got out and did something, and it was longer than 30-40 minutes.

So yesterday sweet Sami sent me a message saying that she would love to run with me. Of course I took her up on it. You must know that Sami runs way more than I do, she's in much better shape, and she's alot faster than I am. So while I was nervous, I knew that I would enjoy the run so much more with someone to talk to.

Seriously, having a running partner is the BEST thing ever!! Sami was awesome, she knew exactly when to give me mileage updates and she did her best to keep us at a 9 minute pace. I had to ask her to slow down a few times, but I am happy to report that we ran all 3 miles in 29 minutes. Here is a breakdown of the run:

Mile 1: ummm Sami, I know you're excited to run, but can we slow down a bit ; )
Mile 2: best decision ever to get back into running and train for a half.
Mile 2.5: I hate this! Sami please slow down. (I'm pretty sure if Sami wasn't with me, I would have stopped to walk for a minute at this point.)
Mile 3: I am so going to finish this, without walking. Awesome!
30 minutes after run: OMG, I can't stop sweating! Gross!
1 hour after run: We so should have went for 4 miles.

So the lessons of the day:
1. Running partners are awesome! I just love Sami anyways and since our significant others love volleyball so much, it just makes sense that we should run together.
2. Waking up for an early run with the nasty Ohio heat is a MUST until it cools down here.
3. It was nice to run without little A and the stroller this morning, but I need to get a running stroller because she loves the runs and being outside ...well it's also nice to have a cup holder for water too ; )

And since a blog is no fun to read without pictures (and I forgot to take one with Sami and me all hot and sweaty after our run), here is the proof that I ran this morning. I get some crazy frizzy/curly hair when I run.

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