Saturday, August 11, 2012

7 miles, yep, thats over half of the half.

Half of the half, that sounds like a fourth, and a fourth sounds like nothing.  But I'm pretty sure that 7 miles isn't nothing

My husband thinks there is something wrong with me, "Why in the world would you want to run 7 miles, especially when no one is chasing you?".  I'm asking myself why it took me almost 27 years to realize that I actually might be a distance runner.  I feel so in my element when I'm running longer distances, it's craziness I tell you!

So here are my lifesavers for the week.  Sweet new kicks, an inhaler so I can finally breathe in this crazy humidity, and Ice, Elevate and Compress for my foot.  See details on each of these below!

So after last weeks 6 miler I had some right foot pain.  After consulting some running friends, I've found that rolling a golf/tennis ball under my foot works wonders.  "Writing" the alphabet with my foot also feels pretty fantastic.  I've also been doing Ice, Elevate and Compress after every run and sometimes twice a day.  Please note the Similac ice pack; good for more than just keeping bottles cold. I guess a perk to being a running mom?!?

But even with those stretches, I still felt some pain.  So on my trek to Columbus on Friday to see sweet baby Sam and her awesome mama Megan (from my previous post), I went to Front Runner to get new shoes.  After trying on many pairs, I left with a pair of trusty Mizunos.  I've heard that once you start wearing Mizunos you'll never want to leave.  It's the truth people.  Although I found that with some foot pain, I like the cushion of the Inspire better than the lightweight Elixir.

Still having a little foot pain late in the week, I took it easy yesterday and did some p90x.  I remember when I first starting running about a month ago, I read a blog of a running mama, she had a list of tips:  Number 1: Training with a baby means that things don't always go the way you planned, it's fine, just adapt.

Yep, she was right!!  Try kick boxing with a 20 pound teething "weight" on your side.  Anyways, it wasn't the workout that I hoped to get in, but that's okay, I still kicked 7 miles of running in the butt today!

So I have also been having some breathing issues, thanks to some sports induced asthma that I blame on my father and a very humid summer.  I got an inhaler this week, omg, awesomeness!

Here are the stats for todays long run:
Miles: 7
Time: 1:06
Pace: 9:29

Even with some minor foot pain, I felt this run was my best since we started running a month ago.  Sami also informed me that we ran 7 miles with a better pace than we did 6.  I hate to admit it because I fear that Sami will make me do more sprints (I HATE sprinting!!), but maybe they did actually help our pace.

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