Monday, September 3, 2012

Exciting news on the baby and business front ...

Gotcha! You all thought I was going to announce baby #2 didn't you?  Seriously, we don't even have a house right now.  Well, that was fun, but on to the real news.

Our sweet baby girl decided about a week ago that she could get around faster by foot.  I wouldn't say that she is walking yet, but she is definitely on her way there.  It's a pretty cool thing to see her excitement as she discovers that she can do new things.  Actually, she claps for herself when she successfully gets to her destination, pretty cute stuff.

I tried to take pictures for her 1st birthday invitations from an idea I got off Pinterest.  Either I have the squirmiest, most curious little girl, or those aren't real babies in those pictures I saw.  

Now on to the business news.  After much discussion and prayer, we have decided that it would be a good thing for me to start my own business.  I really enjoyed the work I used to do, but I also strongly desired (and felt God calling me) to stay home with Adelyn.  After 3 months of not working, I find myself missing my job.  What?!?  So for the past month, I have been helping Brian's dad with bookkeeping and business organization; and I have loved every second of it.  I never realized how valuable my knowledge in accounting is as most of it just comes second nature to me.  But the realization is that most of the small business owners I know don't want to do their own bookkeeping, they would rather focus their energy on the talents that they were blessed with.

So today, I finally registered for my PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number).  This is the first step in the process to being able to offer tax services to small businesses and individuals.  The next step is to pass the Registered Tax Return Preparer Test.  Please pray for this process, as I hate taking tests.

In the meantime, I am looking for clients with a need for bookkeeping and business organization services.  I'm also looking for a good business name, any suggestions?

That's all of the news for today!